After a closing, we all receive those instructions. You know the kind… don’t forget this… you need to include that… don’t lose these… I’m not sure about you, but almost immediately, after being surrounded by moving boxes, chaos and disrupted schedules, I forget all about those “instructions”. Today, I hope to remind you of one of them that could save you big dollars.
If you bought a home in 2018, now is the time to fill your Homestead Exemptions with your County Appraisal District. Doing this will help lower your home’s taxable value, saving you money! Don’t miss your chance!
Below are a series of requirements that you must meet in order to file:

Important Note: You can get specific instructions from your local county appraisal district’s website. I have included the application below for download.

Hopefully, amidst the crazy of a new semester, quarter and year, this can serve as a useful reminder to you and your friends.